About the photographer:
I have been looking through a lens since I was 19 years old. I love the
work I do! I hope you will too!
I was born in Oceanside California, graduated from Oceanside High in
1971. I have a degree in Television and Film from California State
University Northridge. I worked for many years as a News and Sports,
Television Camera Person in Los Angeles. However as a result of
many changes in my life and facing death too many times, (once is
enough), I set out to do what it was that I am passionate about...Photography! I love taking
pretty pictures.
In 1997, I took on a journey of a lifetime! I traveled from the tip of Baja California, all way
north to the Arctic Circle in Alaska...and back. I traveled down the Canadian Rockies,
through Colorado, Utah and more. I must have crossed the Continental Divide at least 50
times. I traveled more than 25,000 miles, visited 13 states, 3 countries, and exposed more than
300 rolls of film. Much of what I experienced can be found right here on my website.
After my return, I have traveled less, but have been photographing the
beautiful Southern California area.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out
and contact me via e-mail or by phone.
Thank you for your visit!
Robert de Crevecoeur